Make a Difference in the Lives of Veterans!

Help Us Support Our Mission

At the Purple Heart Foundation, our mission is to provide unwavering support to combat-wounded Veterans and honorably discharged service members. Our work is anchored on four key pillars:

  1. Providing Critical Assistance Grants that can be the difference between stability and crisis for many Veterans facing financial hardship.
  2. Connecting Veterans to Mental Health Resources that promote real and lasting well-being.
  3. Supporting the Training of Service Dogs that offer emotional and physical support and companionship.
  4. Providing Scholarship Assistance to Veterans to supplement G.I. Bill deficiencies

Partner With Us

Partnering with the Purple Heart Foundation offers several significant benefits, including:

  • Direct Impact in providing necessary services and support for veterans and their families.
  • Community Engagement that demonstrates your commitment to supporting those who have served the country and fostering goodwill within the community.
  • Positive Branding by aligning with a respected nonprofit with over 65 years of service.

We Support You

When you become a Purple Heart Foundation Partner, we promote our connection with you through our marketing channels.

  • Regular Social Media Posts with a combined reach through Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to over 400,000 followers.
  • Email Blasts to over 200,000 recipients.
  • Website Presence on our Partnership page
  • Event Acknowledgement, including the annual Purple Heart Open Golf tournament, plus, you will have the ability to join us to promote your products or services at Purple Heart titled events.

Ideal Partnerships

  • Veteran-Owned Businesses
  • Mental Health Support Organizations
  • Finance, Investing & Insurance Companies
  • Packaged Goods
  • Apparel Companies
  • Elder Care
  • Death, Dying & Grieving Products and Services


Become a Purple Heart Foundation Partner

Can you help us fund a Critical Assistance Grant? Support a Scholarship? Contribute the funds to train a service dog? Help us fund TBI and PTS programs?

There are numerous opportunities for you to help us and raise the profile of your business at the same time!

Contact Jim Hatch to see what we can do to work together!

Our Mission

The mission of the Purple Heart Service Foundation is to enhance the quality of life of Purple Heart recipients and other honorably discharged veterans and their families.